For the glory of rome Our march took us far from home Into the north With the eagle we ride Heathen warlords will subside Obey our rule Or feel our whip And taste our steel Get down and kneel No more will we take your orders Decades of darkness my people endured Torn, raped and beaten now you rest assured That well have our chance to strike and avenge In roman blood our thirst will be quenched Wait, don't you see where you would be without our clemency For we brought peace, welfare, health, trade and So prosperity to your lands You're sate in our hands Without our support you would not stand a chance Lost - in a maze of darkness Trapped - the spider has spun our demise Caught - in a raging madness While straying into the lair of a lion For our freedom we'll fight We have justice on our side Willpower and pride By the axe and the sword We will force the roman horde Back to the hole From which they came In heaven's name We will reclaim Tempt our patience no longer Too long we stood by in good faith and trust Nobly accepting your charges and thrusts But we now resign. Here we draw the line Our truce is broken. In strife we're entwined Why would you wait, just take the bait, its time We set things straight We will be there fully prepared. No hesitation Will stem our cause Whatever the loss We will prevail and restore what once was