Give me a cross, I will raise The fuckin' corpse of Jesus Christ Then I nail wood with flesh With my lance I stab his chest Screams and gore, putrid wounds Maggots eat the Nazarene Blood flows down on the ground Who is now the Lord Supreme? This is the rising of our power Christ Desecration Crown of thorns, vinegar sponge Why your Father allows all? Hare defleshed, vile and wretched Wrapped in a filty patch Father's son now is gone This is all the love of God It's the will, will to kill Who was born to die only Christ Desecration We kill Jesus again Don't wait his resurrection After three fuckin'days Do you feel the vengeance That lacerate your skin? Do you feel the power Of sore, evil and sin? Don't forget, Peter lies Now's keeper of paradise Judas dies hanged on Magdalene's hungry of cock Mary's heart's full of wound No one can give back her son God or Satan, who's the creator Of all evil in this world?