Lord Impaler

Travel through Abyss

Lord Impaler

Nocturnal fog covers the landscape 
Uncertain my steps constitute 
Unholy blasphemies coming from Hell 
Echo in this solitude 

Travel through Abyss 
Achieve your purpose 
Deliver Your Spirit 
And your Soul 

Gloomy shadows surrounding me 
My heart is filled up with fear 
Etrnal waiting as time stands still 
Where dark devours the light 

Travel through Abyss 
Achieve your purpose 
Deliver Your Spirit 
And your Soul 

Passing the river Acheron 
On the boat of Charon 
Reaching the abyssic shores 
Of the great dead deserts 
Where no light can shine 
Where no voice can echo 
Only the hellish screams 
Of the tortured souls
Walking in the caves of the past 
Into the labyrinths of the forgotten 
Where no bell can ring 
Where no door can close 
Only the pearly Gate 
In the Valley of Judgement