Take a look out the living room I swear I saw something there It's like someone ran by But there's no one outside You were watching me only sitting Thank you for visiting, although invisibly I like that you made a point to say your goodbyes At least you tried, but when it's like this Taken by surprise, I jumped to my feet It's not like I don't already miss you But listen, please: I can handle meeting Anywhere but in my sleep Maybe a couple people believe me But the rest just roll their eyes Hands under my knees Dragged forcefully I know you couldn't sense It's not malevolence I like that you made a point to say your goodbyes At least you tried, but when it's like this Taken by surprise, I jumped to my feet It's not like I don't already miss you But listen, please: I can handle meeting Anywhere but in my sleep Lately I'm far from grand But I'm not hanging halfway in between Is that ok? 'cause when it's like this Taken by surprise, I jump to my feet If we can hang out, I know just the place So listen, please: You can find me me dangling From the mattress in my sleep