Human error, all the same. Pitfalls for the blind and lame Climbing from the depths of depravity, trying morality and failing totally Leaders along with smiling crowds descend into unfortunate ends While ignoring the Gospel proclaimed that God in mercy sends Human terror soaks the land just like quicksand Falling and doing what is wrong in the Lord's perfect eyes, ignoring his decrees and dying in their sand. Sinful actions are their lifestyles and on dust they pour dark waters. Sinkhole into nowhere holy, man creates his final folly In a desert of consumption man develops warped emotions Lustful passions lead to the grave, fully immersed in human quicksand Angry and full of pride, you fall in this sandy tide But there is hope in this mess of mud and dirt, mire of sin, human quicksand How can you not believe the doctrine of depravity? Its evidence is overwhelming to the point of precision Sinful actions are their lifestyles and on dust they pour dark waters. Sinkhole into nowhere holy, man creates his final folly In a desert of consumption man develops warped emotions Lustful passions lead to the grave, fully immersed in human quicksand