Long Suffering

Demise Of The Adult Industry III

Long Suffering

You think you will get away with prostitution. God is ready to destroy you.

Swept away and tormented forevermore
Stripped of life and tormented forevermore
Lake of fire, tormented forevermore
Twisted mire, tormented forevermore

Demise of the websites, end of the producers, death of the equipment used for porn
No more sexual sinning, no more filthy living, all of you unrepentant all will die.
You have been warned of the wrath to come, of the day of judgment and reckoning
But you insist on spreading this trend of immorality and ungodliness.
You make me sick, you damage the body and use it for things that God hates.
If you don't repent and trust in the Savior, I promise you will be eternally damned
Impurity! Impiety! Iniquity! Insanity!

Swept away and tormented forevermore
Stripped of life and tormented forevermore
Lake of fire, tormented forevermore
Twisted mire, tormented forevermore

Demise of the adult industry.