


My credit cards, all declined
A collection of random bull scrambling my mind
The train to work, that i just missed
Feel massaging my gutter with a hard cold fist
But i, ain't gonna let that spoil my day
I gotta stand up, wherever i am and say

Everybody relax, we're all gonna die
We got to take it nice and easy, take it all and try
Everybody just chill, we got to take our time
We're all going to the same place, no use tryin' to cut in line
Ohh, and when i'm loving somebody, that's when i'm most alive

My relationship, is on the rocks
He says that i should listen more and i said
I wish you had a bigger cock
But i, ain't gonna let something like that stop my little dreams
I gotta get up wherever i am and scream

Everybody relax, we're all gonna die
We got to take it nice and easy, take it all and try
Everybody just chill, we got to take our time
We're all going to the same place, no use tryin' to cut in line
Ohh, and when i'm loving somebody, that's when i'm most alive

Everybody relax, we're all gonna die
We got to take it nice and easy, take it all and try
Everybody just chill, we got to take our time
We're all going to the same place, no use tryin' to cut in line
And when we're loving each other, that's when we're most alive
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