Loko Phylum

Still Playing God

Loko Phylum

White wash scare tactics
Pulling strings made out of elastic
Snap back streching reality
To the point where there's no mortality
I'm having premonitions about bombs in the sky
All we can do is count down 'till we die
I can't stand the pressure
It's driving me crazy
My skull's about the crush
Join the army,the navy

Uncle Sam whatchu done for me lately
Besides sodomy,raping?
Your beliefs are not mine

Make war,what for?
Blow the hinges right off the door
Cold heart,I'd rather love
Not a bully who pushes and shoves
Soong armageddon will look us in the eye
Willing to stand for your country to die
So if you do what will you get in return?
A flag on your casket,a family to yearn.

Uncle Sam whatchu done for me lately
Besides sodomy,raping?
Your beliefs are not mine.