
Ei Kahetse Midagi


Hääle tunnen ära '
See on sinu suu,
Sõnad aga võõrad,
Tulvil surmatuult.

Ei ole tamm sust tugevam,
Ta mürgi-iilis murdub.
Lepp alandlikult kooldub,
Sest aated ammu surnud.

Sa hinge andsid mulle
Ja olid mulle vend...
Kuis muutusid küll selleks,
Kes müüa pakub end?

Ei vannet antud sulle,
Et murraks selle sa.
Kui taba oled, mille
Rooste lukustand.

Ja ikkagi ka mina olen
Sinu perekond.
Ei kahetse ma miskit.
Vaid veidi kahju on.

[no regrets (on when the fatherland you'll never betray turns on you instead)]

I recognise the voice '
The mouth is yours
Yet alien the words,
Full of the wind of death.

No oak is stronger than you;
It breaks in the venomous hurricane.
The alder bows humbly,
For long dead are the ideals.

You gave me soul,
Were as a brother to me...
How did you change into
One who offers your very self for sale?

You were not given the oath
So that you could break it.
You are to me
As a padlock, rusted shut.

And yet i am still
Your family.
I have no regrets,
Just a little sadness.