
Soomusronglase Silmis


Metallil möirgab metall.
Rebib ja rassib raudruun,
Külm, kalk kaasaegne kalev.
Teel tormab teras truu.

Kes rahutult tukub, kes suitsetab,
Kes 'paukpadrunisuppi' helbib.
Mõnigi neist homme langeb,
Mõni kallima ees hiljem kelgib.

Istun ärkvel ja kirjutan sulle.
On hämar, mul raskus on laugel.
Kas mäletad, lubasid tookord
Truuks jääda mul, kui viibin kaugel?

Rong võpatab, rappudes seiskub;
Murdub mu pliiatsil süsi.
Rööpmed lõhkunud vaenlaseraisk.
Kõlavad käsklused, sammude müdin.

Pikali teetammil varitsen ründajaid.
Mis on see tung, mis ajab meid tulle?
Sihin ja lasen, kuid küsimus kerkib:
On nad siis vaenlased mulle?

See 'täitornis' sell seal on kellegi poeg,
Samamoodi kui mina.
Instinkt võidab seesmise heitluse '
Võõrkeelse kisa lämmatab tina.

[in the eyes of the rider on the armoured train (on the schoolboy-warriors of the freedom war)]

Metal roars on metal.
Moils and toils the iron horse,
The cold, hardened modern kalev.
Faithful steel rushes on rails.

Some drowse nervously. some smoke.
Some, bound for flatulence, eat the pea soup.
Many will fall tomorrow.
Some will brag to their sweethearts later.

I'm staying up, writing to you.
It is dark; my eyes are heavy.
Do you remember your promise
To stay true to me when i'm far away?

The train flinches and joltingly stops.
The pencil lead breaks.
The damned enemy has broken the rails.
Orders are heard, and bootbeats.

Flat on the embankment i wait for attackers.
What is this urge that drives us into fire?
Sighting and shooting, i still find myself wondering '
Are they really enemies of mine?

The guy over there, in the pointy uniform hat, is someone's son,
Very much like me.
Instinct wins the inner combat.
Lead silences foreign screams.