William kai: Yeah, then the bitch said “use a condom”, and I said “baby, there’s like 10 people left in existence, fuck does it matter?” Quentin thomas: You didn’t say that William kai: Man, yes I did Quentin thomas: No, you didn’t William kai: I’m a grown ass man, what? I’ma lie to you? I’ma lie?alright, maybe I just thought it, but damn, she was just so butt naked I’d wrap up with a trash bag just to get it, you know what I’m saying? Thalia: Guys, we seem to be approaching another ship Quentin thomas: What? William kai: Impossible Quentin thomas: How far? Thalia: 32 kilometers Quentin thomas: Shit. Hq this is pilot quentin thomas, accompanied by my first man in charge of infantry william kai of the aquarius 3, come in, over Headquarters: Hq here. What is it, thomas? Quentin thomas: My program has just informed me and my partner of another ship that’s now 31 kilometers out Headquarters: Did you just say another ship? William kai: Yeah, that's what he said, another fuckin' ship in the middle of space, man Thalia: I’ve gathered information from the ship’s motherboard Headquarters: Engage the ship William kai: What? Quentin thomas: Copy Thalia: I’m receiving audio embedded in the ship’s distress signal William kai: Man, why white people always gotta go investigating shit, man Quentin thomas: Shut up kai - thalia, play that message Thalia: You got it Christopher smith: This is captain christopher smith of the aquarius 1. The year is 2093. Time unknown. The entire crew is dead, and I fear these are my last hours. Whatever you do, do not come knocking William kai: Aw, hell nah, we gotta get the fuck outta here man Quentin thomas: Hq, engagement is a no go, permission of the aquarius 3 to push through to paradise? Headquarters: Permission granted William kai: Man thank God