Ayo Quas, ay Quas pick up the fuckin' phone, it's your cousin Melvin, bro Listen man, Madlib out here doing records with Logic and shit Don't nobody give a fuck about that Don't nobody want that shit We need Quas back man Come on, come on man Fuckin' rap, bro, what the fuck you doing? Yeah Madlib my man, come the fuck back, damn Show the people that you understand what I'm sayin' Quasimoto flow, toe-to-toe with any spitter Hip-hop needs you in this company to black John Ritter In the lab, you said: People don't wanna hear my shit I should smack you brother, they revere that shit Come back, run it back, neutralize 'em like Men in Black From stone's throw to Madlib invasion Ask any fan on the street, they'll say your shit is amazing The GOAT., a legend, a God amongst men Greatest producer alive, number one out of the ten Egon would say that shit'll prolly make you feel uncomfortable, don't it? But it might bring you back, won't it? Quas and an MPC is no match for any opponent One of the greatest alive, nobody could argue Just come back man, the rap cats would never dog you I had to write you now or else I prolly never would I don't want you full of regret like: Damn man, I should I don't think you understand what you instilled in me Hip-hop from J-Lib to Mad Villainy You are the sound of our ancestors Come back and rap man, it's killin' me