


This is a tale of two brothers
What nature has brought together
Politics shall not separate
One and a half brain
For two humans is not enough

Two sides of a medal
That is consisting of shit
Doesn’t matter which one you choose
To hate strangers or to legalize it
1. 5 Heads for two bodies
75 bald, the rest with long hair
Life in struggle for every minute
Siamese dream has gone unfair

Acceptance for everything
Isn’t a way to go through life
Hatred on race projected
Will never get a chance to rise

Two brothers, two opinions
None is right none is wrong
Race war or flower power
Tight mind is never strong
5 part brain is missing
No chance for neutrality
Separation is impossible
Enjoy nature’s brutality

The constant fight is so exhausting
The opponents can’t keep it up
So they unite to change the situation
Chainsaw is the tool to put a

Stop to this grotesque
Stop this grotesque!

Their life shall change
Their hope is separation
They lay it in
The hands of a chainsaw

The chainsaw rips their heads apart
Just like they expected
With opened skulls they run around
To find the groups their minds selected
But blood loss was to immanent
They both fall onto the ground
They wake up in a hospital
Stitched back together

And so the fight goes on