Locked in a Vacancy

Property Value

Locked in a Vacancy

Shackled to my brethren 
18th century, the cursed voyage 
across my ocean of discontent 
languishing in filth against my will 
trembling and feverish on the auction block 
sold and traded like so much cattle 
whipped into domestication 
subservience, through subjugation 
to tend the fields, to work the land 
to rape my sisters at your command 
prepare the meals on which you dine 
primary caretaker of your children 
these hated hands that built your country 
that keep you in the lap of luxury 
gazed upon with angry eyes 
these minds now plot your inevitable demise 

200 years gone by 
we continue to uprise 
now through subtle occurrences 
the predator resurfaces 

welcome to the new bigotry 

new family moves to the affluent suburb 
8 shades darker than the rest 
hushed whispers soon become rumors 
an oversight, now put to the test 

uneasiness sets in 
neighbors petitioned 
to rid the community of this menace 
a threat, against which, they have few defenses 

the streets aren't as safe as they once were 
and isn't violence in their nature? 
no longer a matter of integration 
but real estate depreciation 
the slave master's wealth once measured 
by the numerous slaves that he owned 
his descendants now fear for their welfare 
when we settle too close to their homes 

Consider the irony! 

3 decades after the so-called civil rights movement 
and we still can't be civil to each other