Local Porn Star


Local Porn Star

You think you can ran away?,
You think you can run and hide?
You can't run from your problems.
You can run from your mind.
Low, down, sad and depressed,
Your hearts weighed down hanging low in your chest.
Life was going along, smooth and carefree.,
Then, BAM into a wall you could not see..
Now suicidial fantasies flash through your mind.
There's no way out, you are confined..
Now the tears build up and slide slowly down your face.
You want to run away, go away, get away from this place.
But it's not the gun, it's not the run, that builds up your strength.
It's how you feel, how you deal, with your problems at length.
Think you got a problem?
Think you got it bad?
Think you got a problem?
You don't know what you have.

Bound by self pity,
Bound by self doubt.
Bound by yourself...

Now you're all pissed off,
Now you think you're mad..
Shouldn't give attention,
To problems that you don't have.
If you keep in this state of mind, I'm sure you will find,
A man bound by the drawings of his own lines.
Border being set within you mental mind set.
Cerebal perspiration as your passport is checked.
Psychotic journys through your mind such a mess,
With more destinations than the Orient Express.
But you're the conductor heading for the place that you seek.
Just realize, we have our own times of our own grief.
Your options seem so limited, but you do with what you got,
You never know what you can do if you're given the right shot .

You created your own ropes (think you got a problem),
And now you're bound (think you got it bad).
You limited your thoughts (think you got a problem),
And you're still bound (you don't know what you have).