I drag my hands through the soil in hopes To find my solace An answer to this empty shell I rub my fingers across my face To remind me of myself A reminder I can't bare to recognise That once was there is now gone I resemble emptiness A perfect picture of denial What's happening to me? I'm staring into this void of existence Fading into an empty space An empty space made just for me I'm so sick and tired of this disease When will this emptiness be erased? I have lost my lust for living No hope, no serenity Life has lost its meaning I've forgotten what it means to be alive No one should ever have to face this No one should ever have to feel this I can't help but feel so hopeless As I shed a poison tear, I can only question Where was my chance to bloom? As I shed a poison tear, I can only question Where was my chance to bloom? It was never there It was never fucking there I'm so sick and tired of this disease When will this emptiness be erased? I have lost my lust for living I'm so sick and tired of this disease When will this nightmare be done with me? I have lost my lust for living