
Burden of Reason


Where is my strength? Where is Thy light? 
"Strength Through Submission" 
Where is my strength? Where is Thy light? 
"Sight by Petition" 

Must I cower to be strong? 
"Have faith dear child. 
Look what your own hands have brought" 
Frail; they break under the weight. 
Never to know their own power. 
Never to see their own might. 
Crippled knees from years of prayer, and the "counsel" to my ears. 

Where is my strength? Where is Thy light? 
"Strength Through Submission" 
Where is my strength? Where is Thy light? 
"Sight by Petition" 

Pleased by cowards' fawning cries. 
We bow our heads beneath Your might. 
Why have we been formed this way? 
"What is the clay to question it's potter?" 

"Be still. Know that power is Mine. 
Faith. The answers will come in time." 
Why impart cognizine, only to blind us and bind us to faith? 

Power elusive. Strength unknown. 
Is pride truly the cause of the fall? 
Or could my own will be a wellspring of might? 
Could the will of man be the one source of life?