in my head everything is going down i see their dark, their black heart i don't see any lights, everything is silence falling down, i need a rescuer from dark hole where i can't go back, where i have someone to save but i can't catch the universe but i see only one star light in my dark sky but i am afraid of you, of your bright, your shine where i can feel heat of my heart that star is you but with you i don't hear silence then i must to find your voice in dark silence i don't see any birds, any trees, i don't have any feels only your voice i can hear everything else is silence come here see me, then i can see, i can speak now i hear only silence please come here and stop that fear i am afraid of silence, i am afraid of their dark heart i am afraid of their silence, i am afraid of silence now i hear melodies now i see joy of life like i heard and saw before, i am free with you