Exact bleeding lacerations mirroring the sacred wounds of christ. A blessing of the devout Penetrating through the wrists and feet Back lashings bleed as the blood odor reeks of flowers A crown of thorns and a spear in the side A rapture of roman torture Wounds of christ carried by the saints Wounds of christ Twelve divine apostles Only the most noble followers are blessed with this pain A gift from god posses those and fill them with rage Exact bleeding lacerations mirroring the sacred wounds of christ. A blessing of the devout Penetrating through the wrists and feet Back lashings bleed as the blood odor reeks of flowers A crown of thorns and a spear in the side A rapture of roman torture The exstacy of the limbs covered wounds Remedies will not cure Power of alleged miracles the profound want and confound the doubters Repeat verse one and three Repeat chorus