Liberation theology very simple philosophy Free your body and your mind gonna follow Liberation theology split with the church aristocracy You're with the oppressed or you're with the oppressor Time gonna make you ready willing and able We're still clutching crumbs falling from the master's table Change gonna come as soon as we wake up A little old fashioned passion just don't seem like enough You've come a long way humanity Funny 'cause it sure still look like slavery to me I guess civilization just ain't what it used to be Liberation inevitably put your bible down brother and listen to me Come the revolution where are you gonna be? Sign says promised land straight ahead Ain't gonna find it looking up I said Change gonna come if we take it A little old fashioned passion ain't gonna make it I need a little help this evening Can I get a witness Help me brother - help me sister raise your hand I'm calling your name I don't know if there is a heaven Gonna find out soon enough If we could help each other right now Maybe heaven wouldn't matter so much I'm gonna help my brother I'm gonna help my sister Maybe somebody gonna help me You don't need the Bible, Torah or Koran To know right from wrong And what side you're gonna be on