Little Dead Bertha

Frosties War

Little Dead Bertha

Coldof gloomy reign 
In my soul it's all retain 

When the icy Knights a fight i know, 
Transparent blood don't paint the snow 
Despair, dismay and sense of loss 
Decrease of force 

Ever, rest and silence 
Ever, voice of violence 
Fever, killing me 
Never, not be free 

The force of wind and rage of storm 
Inspire the doubt and crazy turn 
Remain of life and sense of pain 
The endless might of gloomy reign 

I feel the cold of ice 
When heart is die away 
White snow and frozen light 
And night long for regain your shades 

I want destroy it's real and everybody sign 
My resistance still exist and never die 
I believe in dreams my force appeal the hate 
I continue sink in the river of my fat