I'd go blind before I die, rather then look you, boy, in the eyes. And I would touch a tender nerve, rather than make sense of what, you imply. Chorus: Everywhere the sign. (the sign I see everywhere) Everywhere the sign. (the sign I see everywhere) Everywhere the sign. (the sign I see everywhere) I won't let you, I won't let you... I would cry, a million tears, just for you, to notice me. Don't despair, I'm here not there. Reading all the signs wrong, 'cause I feel you don't care. Everywhere the sign. (the sign I see everywhere) Everywhere the sign. (the sign I see everywhere) Everywhere the sign. (the sign I see everywhere) I won't let you, (everywhere) I won't let you, I won't let you (everywhere) I won't let you, I won't let you... ah-ah-ah-hoo, ah-ah-ah-hoo, ah-ah-ah-hoo, ah-ah-ah-hoo, ah-ah... Find the time, to hitch a ride, re-release this weight that I bear, on my shoulders. Don't despair I'm here, not there. Reading all the signs wrong, 'cause I feel that you don't care Everywhere the sign. (the sign I see everywhere) Everywhere the sign. (the sign I see everywhere) Everywhere the sign. (the sign I see everywhere) I won't let you, I won't let you, I won't let you...