Her home was on the street She never really knew just who was who or what was really what One minute she was needed But when those tasks were done her not real pa Without a word would always force her out Reluctantly her head hung heavy In truth she had no choice than to assume a grey and soon familiar beat Between two worlds she lingered Split into two she found it hard to disentangle what was left of love From what resembled hate Through all her days it plagued her And to this day she shudders Each time intimacy threatens with its warm and stifling embrace Those dogs will never sleep Those dogs will never lie Her history will hound her Beyond the grave indeed long after she has turned to dust Her story is no other Than one of sixteen billion others Her life a stark reminder Of just how hard it is to wangle more than hollow pride More than empty pride Bitter hollow pride from these so short uncompromising lives She built a wall around her The older she did get the harder it in truth became Made sure that she was needed Her children were a constant source of distraction Temporary respite from the aching hole within Just for a few short years But as they grew she had no choice than to resume her grey and ever so familiar beat Between two worlds she lingered Split into two she found it hard to disentangle what was left of love From what resembled hate Through all her days it plagued her And to this day she shudders Each time intimacy threatens with its warm and stifling embrace Those dogs will never sleep Those dogs will never lie Her history will hound her Beyond the grave indeed long after she has turned to dust Her story is no other Than one of sixteen billion others Her life a stark reminder Of just how hard it is to wangle more than hollow pride More than empty pride Bitter hollow pride from these so short uncompromising lives A figure welded to a rocking chair Her hair an ashen shade of grey a tinge of white She looks back on the years The distance in her eyes reflects the tears She's bitten back She's armoured through the years with all her empty Bitter hollow pride Those dogs just will not lie