If you sailing on borders you're unsure of and you don't know the way you can take up your compass spin it round and see what the needles say If it's pointing towards you there is something you should take care of now sea-deep within you If you go to sail out for you should know the turning of the waves letting the tide to flow with the wind transport you If you know what I'm saying (If you know what I'm saying) And I think you should sort-of know by now you can speak in my ear then (you should speak in my ear then) You could whisper the words I want to hear if you want to go further (If you want to go further) here are secrets I'm not too proud to tell I don't know if I dare to (I don't know if I dare to) put somebody in this time of year (waves are crashing in) (and we don't spend it here) (the waves are crashing in) (ahhHHhHHHhhh) (ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah) can the perfect devotions there's no sharks no streams to suck it down it's the friendliest creatures they don't kill you unless you try to kill later on the horizon (later on the horizon) mama says it's the moon will lead your way you go sailing the waters (you go sailing the waters) you go sailing the waters all of grey (ah ahha aha ahahahaha)