Linda Hoyle

Paper Tulips

Linda Hoyle

In the sun my love for you begun
Bright with every rose and tulip blossom
Then slept in the rain
I prayed that all my happy days
Would be spent here in your arms
Loving you holding the rose of my love
But oh winter pierced the bud of my love
You had turned from me
And paper tulips grew
Dying I lay my heart for you to take or leave alone
I stand a strange and desert land
All the trees I knew had broken, sighing my heart
Dying for love
But you know
Paper tulips grew in the garden of our heart
Crying my arms reaching out for your kiss
Knowing that you'd turned away
So i stand only watching you, nothing grew
God alone can know that I still love you so
Silent i keep the rose of my own perfect love
In my heart
I pray that some calm sunny day
love may blossom in your garden, colours will
Surroud us
And love will grow and melt the winter snow
With the sunshine of your smile
Loving me holding so tender
The rose glowing and perfect in splendour
But oh cold has pierced the bud of my love
You had turned from me
And paper tulips grew
Dying I lay my heart for you to take or leave all