Limp Wrist

Punk Ass Queers

Limp Wrist

yeah, we're the freaks in town 
creepy horny queens with our 
rhinestone crowns 
won't wed for the church or state 
we're punk ass queers normalcy is 
what we hate 

military gays what a bore 
don't guinea pig me for your fucked up wars 
log cabin queens, stuffy conservative shit 
in the spirit of stonewall queens 
we'll put and end to it 

T.V. shows abercrombie gays galore 
showing to the straight world 
we ain't weird no more 
fuck all this pity me shit 
bring on the drag kings with 
their big fake dicks 
i'll hang with hustlers, leather boys, and punks 
i'm not down with this normal world junk