Lila McCann

Is It Just Me

Lila McCann

Lately I've been stumbling over my words
When I talk to you I get nervous
And I rehearse how to say hello
When you call me on the phone
And when you over at my house
Watching TV sitting on the couch
Just hanging out
I catch you staring at me w/ that silly grin
Are we just friends
Or is there something going on
Can u feel it to

Or is it just me
Feeling this way
Am I the only one that sences
Something going on behind the scenes
Or is it just you
The way that your are
That I can't resist and you can't help it
Baby are you falling in love..
Or is it just me ?

Maybe you just a harmless flirt
And it safe to rest ashore
That it's absurd the way my brain
Will over analyze
And when my head begins to rush
Everytime I think of us hooking up
I get the feeling that this feeling be real
Or what's the deal??
Is there something going on??
Can u feel too??

Or is it just me
Feeling this way
Am I the only one that senses
Something going on behind the scenes
Or is it just you
The way that your are
That I can't resist and you can't help it
Baby are you falling in love..
Or is it just me ?

Who's pulse is pounding
Whenever you near is it hot in there
Or is it just me??
Or is it just you
The way that your are
That I can't resist and you can't help it
Baby are you falling in love..
Or is it just me ?