Like Tomorrow

In deceit

Like Tomorrow

You know the feeling when 
You wake up in the morning from a dream 
A dream that haunts you 'til the end 
Dream you never even wished to end… 

Things now bouncing all around your 
Lost in thought head 
Leaving marks like ardent folds 
Leaving stains of untuned notes 

Keeping them inside 
Hiding from sharping daylight 
Things could never be revealed 
You could never be relieved 

Moundings in the flawless she 
Reflections of the things unreal 
Side of you was never seen 
Smoothen in deceit 

Blessed silence, 
Dead leaves crushed 
Under your feet 
Shards that you 
Took but could 
Never reveal 

Moundings in the flawless she 
Reflections of the things unreal 
Side of you was never seen 
Smoothen in deceit 

Things that you 
Always have 
Wanted to say 
Things for the 
One you could 
Never betray 

Moundings in the flawless she 
Reflections of the things unreal 
Side of you was never seen 
Smoothen in deceit 

Sacred tides broken in the night 
Vows that weren't to last for 
Naked eyes trying to praise those lies, but 
Curtains all worn out now 

Faked sighs spoken in the night 
Shouts that weren't to hear for 
Blinded minds trying to see those cries, but 
Words are all worn out now 

Blessed silence 
Dead leaves crushed under your feet and 
Shards that you've taken but 
Cannot reveal them and 
Dreams that were there only 
See but not touch for 
Making you fake for surviving 
The eruption 

Things that you 
Always have 
Wanted to say 
Things for the 
One you could 
Never betray 

Moundings in the flawless she 
Reflections of the things unreal 
Side of you was never seen 
Smoothen in deceit 

Silent groaming 
In the damping dawn of 
One still hoping 
To be released from burden 
Of the dreams that 
Were never meant to come true 
In the daylight 
In the break of light 

Silent moments 
In the damping dawn when 
Breaking voices 
Will be released from burden 
Of the words that 
Were never meant to tell the truth 
In the daylight 
In the break of light 

Blessed silence, 
Dead leaves crushed 
Under your feet 
Shards that you 
Took but could 
Never reveal 

Moundings in the flawless she 
Reflections of the things unreal 
Side of you was never seen 
Smoothen in deceit 

Blessed silence, 
Dead leaves 
Reflecting belief 
Shards and hope 
Smoothen in deceit 
A dream that haunts you until the end 
A dream you never even wished, 
Will now end