Like David

Add Up Those Points

Like David

Bet add up those points, now your card reads better
Than mine

I apologize
I've been trying to look up
Not around this time
Your wrists are weak my friend

Oh brother hold your head high
But here is the fall
I'm watching your feet go over with your eyes wide shut
New record, new shirt, the hair to match. I'm ready
To work. The room weighs heavy that your in. My friend you had less points then

I apologize
I've been trying to look up
Not around this time
Your weak my friend
Your shoulder is cold
We just talked yesterday
When did this crowd form?
Do I need to check in at the door?

You'd rather wave your new flag and
Biting down on your own insecurity
You invite division
Amongst a group
Called unity

Oh brother
You hold your
Your head high
Oh brother
You hold your
Your head low

I'm trying
To catch up
But where's my
Pen and pad, pen and pad
And look at you all lined up
I'll try this time
I'm trying
To catch up
But where's my
Pen and pad, pen and pad
Look at you all lined up
I'll try this time

I'm trying to
To catch up
Look at you
All lined up