You took something from me You stole, i know it Bamboozled, got lucky You must return, Give back what is not yours Give it back to me The one time you could of had it Took your chance and grabbed it You got lucky but now you must hide For i will find you And i will find you For i will find you And i will find you The best part about me Is the worst part about me If i had never came out They would if love him just the same If i had never found out I would of loved her just the same Everything you had put faith in Now turns gray and old I don't want to be apart of me It took one night to plant me One night to destroy me This body is riddled with wrong And it's here to welcome you, Welcome to the next take, Just enough for too much. Let it all in, Find a new something If you give the world gold And it keeps handing back shit Then find a new one Why was such a perfect thing made to die god? Are you really up there? Am i all alone? Was it all for nothing? Was i made to come to this? Maybe we're perfect for each other But i'll never know. I'm just so damn scared As the chemicals take your face Artificial surgery will have it's place For your sake honey, i hope you marry rich And if my life's a collection of people i hate I'll just stop collecting anything at all And if it refuses to notice Then i'll let it precede to bath in ignorance It's own stench will be it's overture To the downfall of everything it thought it loved.