thereafter we'll refer to this as the fouth and fourteenth incident immortalized in microfiche, barcoded documents saw you sweating on the corner you were sucking off a soda sticky summer in the bario, didn't really think that he could be a romeo his friends busted in screamin rodeo thereafter we'll refer to this as the last time you attempt to kiss some fairy bear you've barely met, put your lips on his leather vest the mechanical bull is rubbing right though the wool of your pantleg the linedance starts, it pounds long with your heart and you're stranded his roommates came out, they came from under the couch and they jumped in i laid down with the lions but they're way too lame i went down on the tigers but they're way too tame i know that you're scared, but i suggest you go back to the bears your kisses taste just like skoal bandits you're minty fresh and fucking gorgeous