This is my death arranged by myself in the darklight. I'm losing my own fight to me, Myself and I am not alright. My reasons for leaving, my notions to die. Alone in my bedroom tonight I will take my life, my life is full of despair. I am dying to know if you care. Well I've been treading this water for way too long. My body grows too weak to carry on, and I can't climb my way out of this, because the banks are too steep. I can't find my way out of this one without your hands, without your heart while I drown you stand your ground. And take the role of a bystander. Tear out my heart and feed it to you so you can taste the pain that I go through. Seeing myself through your eyes I am more disgusted than ever before at the sight of what I've become. It's just like waking up in your worst nightmare. My death arranged.