Lewis Mokler

The Traveller

Lewis Mokler

Watch this traveller walk away
He’s got the angels, the clouds
They’re grabbing at his feet
His head held high he’ll seize the day
His mind, his body, both grow weak
It’s all for you

He’s taking on this world alone
See’s the stars rise, the moon fall, all by himself
You’ve never been so far from home
Your best friend is your own health
It’s lost for you

For you, for you, he’s broken
For you, for you, he’s chosen
That he could be the traveller
Wear his heart in his shoes and he’ll walk
It’s all for you

Who will tell his epic tale
How for her his smile, it didn’t ever rust
Set on a journey not to fail
Until his legs, his feet, he’d walked them into dust
It’s all for you

For you, for you, he’s broken
For you, for you, he’s chosen
That he could be the traveller
Wear his heart in his shoes and he’ll walk
It’s all for you

It’s all for you, it’s all for you

So watch this traveller walk on by
His head held high
For you he’s ready to die