Lewis Mokler


Lewis Mokler

Tom: G

G: 3-2-0-0-3-3
A11: 5-4-0-0-5-5
Cadd9: 8-7-0-0-8-8
Gmaj9: 2-0-0-0-3-3

Lewis plays the G in the brigde like this: 3-5-5-4-3-3 just because it is easier to switch (:

The rest of the chords are just the standard ones.
Make sure to hammer on the low E en A string in the first chords of the verses.

Capo 3

G         A11       Cadd9    G
When your hand fits mine perfectly
G                    A11        Cadd9           G
and you're wearing a smile that draws one on to me

(only strum the lowest 3 strings)

Lets play dot to dot
Till our lips meet
A11              Cadd9      G
Dot to dot, till our lips meet

And some words they get washed away
I wrote three down that I just have to say

(lowest three strings)

To you, but it's so hard to do.
If my mouth's open, can you pull them through.

         G        D       C        G
And I'll keep you warm in the wintercold
     G        D          C              G
I'll keep you save, till we're grey and old
 G                    D        C           G
There's just one more thing that's left to see
             D        Am            F             G
Is there's a piece of you, that may just complete me (2x)
            D   Am        F     G      
And I'll be holding on to you. (2x)

        G             F
I'll be holding on to you
            G             F
And i'ĺl be holding on to you
                   G          F
I hope hope you're holding on too
              G          F
I hope you're holding on too