She pulls the blankets from my head Climbs beneath and steals my breath And we lay silent in the heavy nashville air We’re in a room inside a house Inside a city in the south And I guess it’s about as home as anywhere Ooh, but her breathing sounds like the rain Ooh, and I don’t know how to be brave To be her citadel A castle she can run to when she’s overwhelmed A coat to keep her warm in winter’s colder spells I pack my gear and say goodbye Slowly pull out of the drive To sing these songs about the lives that people wear I hear her whisper in my phone Then I hang up and sleep alone This used to be about as “home” as anywhere Ooh, but I don’t know now, ’cause it’s pain Ooh, but I don’t know how to be brave To be her citadel A castle she can run to when she’s overwhelmed A coat to keep her warm in winter’s colder spells Without her, I’m a poem with no words I need her like a doubt needs reassured Like the earth without the rain begins to burn She’s my citadel; A castle I can run to when I’m overwhelmed A coat to keep me warm in winter’s colder spells