"Manson" Forgotten son, disciple of a religion denied injustice served. Laws of man gone undefied. Lonley children, swimming in a river of gore, monastic tyranny. "Civilization" settles the score. Words of wisdom-the religion of truth "Death to all pigs" To murder we choose. Twisted courts, laws are lies unbound, fifth angel torn. Saviour gone to ground. Scapegoat, pin the blame on innocence, your lost youth, shaln't be lost in torment. Words of wisdom-the religion of truth "Death to all pigs" to murder ( we choose) They hide...behind their fears and cry, shallow tears. "War" He will show the way. "Exterminans".... "War" "Helter Skelter" "Rise" (it's the ) Second crucifixion of xrist (3x)