Tom: C “Maybe that dude from Portuguese class was right And we really live two lives. One is the epitome of innocence and purity, Where you feel things to the core And don’t rationalize everything. And the other one Is like a punch in the throat, Everyone becomes completely insane And obsessed with the act of thinking. We end up closed in a box, Because we have to be useful to society or something... Plus, the memories you had From that first life Start to kinda like evaporate. Perhaps it is the greater grief, After all, to see the kid that you once were Disappearing inside you And not being able to do anything about it.” [Primeira Parte] C They all gathered around F For the happy birthday sound Am I had just turned five F And nobody was dead C United States was the dream F Now it looks like a horror movie scene Am One Direction was cool (they still are though) F And Taylor Swift was only 22 [Refrão] C F Oh man, I feel like Peter Pan Am Cause all I wanna do now F Is hide behind the blankets again C F Oh man, I feel like Peter Pan Am All my friends are now 18 F We don’t even know who we wanna be C F Am F Cause we still feel like 10 [Segunda Parte] C Now, Harry lost his glasses F So the magic is all gone Am Where’s the DVD player? F Well I forgot about it C But what would she say? F Would she be proud? Am If she could see how I turned out? F (I doubt it, you’re not on Broadway) [Refrão] C F Oh man, I feel like Peter Pan Am Cause all I wanna do now F Is hide behind the blankets again C F Oh man, I feel like Peter Pan Am All my friends are now 18 F We don’t even know who we wanna be C F Am F Cause we still feel like 10 [Ponte] Am Cause we are young C And we wanna run D The soundtrack of our days E Written in our phones Am C The memories the laughs D Will keep us together E ‘Til the day we all have to settle ( C F Am F ) [Refrão] C F Oh man, I feel like Peter Pan Am Cause all I wanna do now F Is hide behind the blankets again C F Oh man, I feel like Peter Pan Am All my friends are now 18 F We don’t even know who we wanna be C F Am F Cause we still feel like 10 [Final] C I miss the hide and seek days F It was my favorite part Am And I never knew it would end up F Being this hard