Leona Williams

Ole George

Leona Williams

He was born somewhere down around Beaumont Texas
More than a few years ago
He's been a legend since I can remember
He's still got a long way to go

He's been around the world from LA to London
And Lord knows what all he's been through
But that goes to show what an old Martin guitar
And a good country singer can do

And the race is still on for the best country singer
Old George is still coming on strong
And when it's all over and they lay down their guitars
Ole George will still be number one

Well Lord only knows he's been through some women
But he's found him a forever wife
And come hell or high water and the good grace of God
She'll last him the rest of his life

And Lord when it's over have mercy on him
He's always been a good soul
When you bring down the curtain and the last song is sung
Please let ole George close the show
Ole George will still be number one