When all you feel is lonely This world is such a lonely place You look everywhere around you Just tryna find a friendly face I know how it feels to feel like you're all alone Out in the cold, I was lost, I was looking for home We are all looking for home Somewhere we're not alone A heart to take your heart in Out of the cold Somewhere where we belong What you searched for for so long We are all looking for home We all wanna know we're wanted And see it in somebody's eyes That someone's life is so much better Just because you've arrived I know I won't have to walk through this world alone I found your love and my heart found a heart, found home We all are looking for home Somewhere we're not alone A heart to take your heart in Out of the cold Somewhere where we belong What you searched for for so long We all are looking for Someone to come and open the door To somehwere you wish them along You took my heart in your hand Now I know I'm home Now I've found home I'm not alone The heart that took my heart in Out of the cold Somewhere where I belong What I've searched for for so long Now I've found home, home Now I've found home