Leny Eversong

Milkman Keep Those Bottles Quiet

Leny Eversong

Milkman keep those bottles quiet
Can't use that jive on my milk diet
So milkman keep those bottles quiet
Been jumpin' on the swing shift, all night

Turnin' out my quota, all right
Now I'm beat right down to the sod
Gotta catch myself some righteous nod
Milkman stop that grade A riot
Cut out if you can't lullaby it

Oh, milkman, Keep Those Bottles Quiet
Been knocking out a fast tank, all day
Working on a bomber, okay

Boy you blast my wig with those clinks
And I got to catch my forty winks
So milkman, Keep Those Bottles Quiet
Now noise of the riveter rocks, don't mind it

Cause the man with the whiskers has a lot behind it
But I can't keep punchin' with the victory crew
When you're making me punchy with that bottled moo
I want to give my all if I'm gonna give it