Raised on hopes and dreams that never cease to be. No more than mere elusive reveries. Days have turned to years, and still nothing achieved. As eyesight becomes blurred, yet somehow self deceive. That sometime soon all prayers have been confirmed. Yet always that road will take another turn. Quick fix solvents; artificially devour. Prolonged consumption as taste buds turn sour. Seeds of promise won't bloom; they died beneath the soil. Banality has embraced you. constrained to excess toil. For nothing but glimmers of rose coloured clarity. Sit idle, eroding; pursue mediocrity. Consumewithout true cause Subdueddysfunctionally flawed Exhumeburied in grief Resummisguided beliefs The ground once fertile with thirst Is now reduced to dust. Secured within grasp, morality is all but crushed. Bloated from sickness, the earth has swallowed whole