Idle hands that pantomime. 3 months aproach now. Will it release a sign? 3 weeks a revelation how? Its in 3, I see infinity. Related to everyone. Over lay the triad. And continue trichotomy. 3 in to one divide. 1 from the sum aside. All in juxtaposition. None related this time. I'll try it all again, 3 days, from monday. Semi-psychotic state of mind, it's in everything that I see 3. Is there an answer to find? 3 years later, still Im blind. Three until infinity, I will lose my self again. Trying to see the triad. And cut it into three. 3 in to one divide. 1 from the sum aside. All in juxtaposition. None related this time. I'll try it all again, 3 days, from thursday. So on sunday I now pray, and rest my thoughts today. Still I only think of three. Its starting to effect my sanity. Here in holy trinity, father son and lies. I will rest in heavens. Out on the border line. 3 to myself for infinity, draging out this trichotomy. All in juxtaposition. None related this time. I'll try it all again, 3 days, from sunday.