Lee Jung Hyun

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Lee Jung Hyun

I should tell her that I like her 
But why do I keep pretending that I don't? 
It seems like I don't know how to handle women 
So I just end up being a fool who does nothing 

People say that women are simply born that way 
If you are good to them they can be as sweet as pie 
But they can come back as cold as ice 

š Yes, you should not wrong a woman 
There is nothing as wonderful as a good woman š 

Now that I have opened Pandora's box I am sick of this story 
If it is okay, why do I need to figure out when to open my heart? 

I wanted to tell you many times that I like you 
But I didn't need to go looking for any more unpleasant things 
To upset my heart if you said that you didn't like me