
Ex Cathedra


Ecce consessus (behold, the gathering)
Ecce paradisus (behold, paradise)
Prodi ex cathedra (go forth from the throne)
Exercitus angelorum (army of angels)

Seraphim in all their splendor, i can see them ,oh
Seraphim, the burning wonders of the vision, oh

Aetheria creatura (ethereal creature)
Gladius veritatis (with the sword of truth)
Occide diabolum (kill the prince of darkness)
Virtute dei (by the power of god)

Seraphim in all their splendor, i can see them, oh
Seraphim, the burning wonders of the vision, oh

Stipendia enim peccati mors (for the wages of sin is death)

Seraphim in all their splendor, i can see them, oh
Seraphim, the burning wonders of the vision, oh