It’s been years and years that you’ve been breathing down our necks No love for the weak An eye for an eye, we try and we try and we try But still we are never good enough The time it takes to get back to you feels like we’re never going to make it I will meet you right where you are just be broken I will meet you right where you are just be broken There is always just that one thing that will blindside me When I am standing on my own two feet It’s eating away at me I won’t let it pull me under (I will pray) He’s had a hold on us for so long that we did not know anything else But we know now that we are free Now I know what it means to be broken Now I know what it means to fall short (And I will pray) God why do you love someone like me after everything I’ve put you through? Your love never fails and your love never leaves My God why do you love someone like me after everything I put you through? Now we are free