Behold I'm standing at your door, and I am knocking But you reach up to remote your old Sylvania Sit back and act like nothing ever strains ya But I keep knocking, and you keep ignoring Me And I wonder if you're ever gonna answer When your life, your wife is riddled now with cancer But I'm not a traveling salesman, no I'm not the Kirby man I'm not here to fix your cable, and I don't work for Uncle Sam I'm not a Jehovah's Witness, or Mormon missionary I'm not here to ask if you're able, could you help Me please I came because My Father sent Me I came because you need Me And I'm still waiting patiently Though many times I've knoocked upon your door As a child, a wild teenager, a young sailor But you weren't listening, and time is fleeting You've lived your life according to your own will It's been a life of heartbreak, mistakes and constant ills CHORUS Now there's no sin so great that I cannot forgive No sinner who cannot look to Me and live No brokenness that I cannot heal No emptiness that I cannot feel CHORUS Behold I'm standing at your door, and I am knocking