There was a soldier, a mighty prayer warrior Who went into battle on his face first He was up against a wall down in Jericho When the Lord appeared and said My instructions follow You've got to have ... Grace under fire, grace under fire If you're gonna be of any use When all hell breaks loose You've got to have ... Grace under fire There was a man nailed to a tree Willingly for you and me There were people standing by, who started to cry He saved others Let him save himself, let him try He had ... Grace under fire, grace under fire If you're gonna be any of any use When your neck's in the noose You've got to have ... Grace under fire There was a church, that would not surrender For they were wise, to the great pre-tender They did not sleep, nor did they slumber For they had received a victorious power To have ... Grace under fire, grace under fire If you're gonna be any of any use When you're under abuse You've got to have ... Grace under fire, grace under fire If you're gonna be any of any use If you want to see the chains break loose You've got to have ... Grace under fire