Lawson Doyle

O Far Country

Lawson Doyle

There's a parcel I've been given
In a land I've never seen
I can read its fair description
I can see it in my dreams

O far country you are waiting
Land that never needs the sun
I will see you, never leave you
When my work on earth is done

Oh sweet home of joy and freedom
Find more lyrics at ※ Mojim. Com
Shine your light for me today
Ever brighter, ever stronger
Lest I falter on the way

When I wake up in that country
Purchased with my Savior's blood
All my burdens gone forever
Nothing there but peace and love

O far country you are waiting
Land that never needs the sun
I will see you, never leave you
When my work on earth is done

O far country you are waiting
Land that never needs the sun
I will see you, never leave you
When my work on earth is done

O Far Country