Laughing Gravy


Laughing Gravy

Tom: G

Transcribed and Submitted by:  Charles "Chad" Garland
Credits:  Charles Garland/Matthew Lanoue


w = whole note                  () = hold note (do not pick)
h = half note                   |p.m.| =  palm mute
q. = dotted quarter note        ^ = accent note
q = quarter note                / = slide up
e = eighth note                 \ = slide down
VVVV = vibrato                  b = bend note (as indicated)
p = pull off                    x = muted note

Tempo = 150 bpm Hard Rock

Intro (mildly distorted tone)

e ||--------------------------|--------------------------|
B ||--------------------------|--------------------------|
G ||--------------------------|--------------------------|
D ||-----2--------2-----------|-----4--4------5 p 4------|
A ||--0-----0--3-----3  /  5--|-(5)--------5-------------|
E ||--------------------------|-----------------------3--|
      q  e  e  e  e  e     e    (e) e  e   e  e   e   q

e  |--------------------------|--------------------------||
B  |--------------------------|--------------------------||
G  |--------------------------|--------------------------||
D  |-----2--------2-----------|-----4--4-----5 p 4-----4-||
A  |--0-----0--3-----3  /  5--|-(5)--------5--------5----||
E  |--------------------------|--------------------------||
      q  e  e  e  e  e     e    (e) e  e   e e   e  e  e

Verse Riff
Pt. 1 (heavily distorted tone)

e ||--------------------------|--------------------------||
B ||--------------------------|--------------------------||
G ||--------------------------|--------------------------||
D ||--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--4--|--4--4--4--4--------------||
A ||--0--0--0--0--3--3--3--5--|--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--||
E ||--------------------------|--------------3--3--3--3--||
      e  e  e  e  e  e  e  e     e  e  e  e  e  e  e  e
      ^ |p.*| ^ |p.m.| ^    |p.*|

Verse Riff
Pt. 2 (heavily distorted tone w/optional mile flanger)

e ||--------------------------|--------------------------||
B ||--------------------------|--------------------------||
G ||--------------------------|--------------------------||
D ||--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--4--|--4--4--4-----5-----4-----||
A ||--0--0--0--0--3--3--3--5--|--5--5-----5-----5-----5--||
E ||--------------------------|--------------------------||
      e  e  e  e  e  e  e  e     e  e  e  e  e  e  e  e
      ^ |p.*| ^ |p.m.| ^    |p.*|

Pre-chorus (heavily distorted tone w/mild flange)

e ||-----------|---------------------||
B ||-----------|---------------------||
G ||--------5--|-(5)--5--5--5--7--7--||
D ||--2-(2)-5--|-(5)--5--5--5--7--7--||
A ||--0-(0)-3--|-(3)--3--3--3--5--5--||
E ||--0-(0)----|---------------------||
      h  q. e    (e)  e  e  e  q  q

Pt. 1 (heavily distorted tone)

e ||-----------------------|--------------------||
B ||-----------------------|--------------------||
G ||-----------------------|--------------7--7--||
D ||--2--2--2--------2--7--|-(7)-7--7--7--7--7--||
A ||--2--2--2--------2--7--|-(7)-7--7--7--5--5--||
E ||--0--0--0--3--0--0--5--|-(5)-5--5--5--5--5--||
      q  e  e  e  e  e  e    (e) e  e  e  q  q

Pt. 2 (heavily distorted tone)

e ||------|---------------------------||
B ||------|---------------------------||
G ||--5---|-(5)-----------------------||
D ||--5---|-(5)--5--4-----------------||
A ||--3---|-(3)--------5--3-----------||
E ||------|------------------5--3--0--||
      w     (e)  e  e  e  e  e  e  e

Rhythm behind solo
Pt. 1 (heavily distorted tone)

e ||-----------------------|--------------------||
B ||-----------------------|--------------8--8--||
G ||--2--2--2--------2--7--|-(7)-7--7--7--7--7--||
D ||--2--2--2--------2--7--|-(7)-7--7--7--5--5--||
A ||--0--0--0--3--0--0--5--|-(5)-5--5--5--5--5--||
E ||-----------------------|--------------------||
      q  e  e  e  e  e  e    (e) e  e  e  q  q

Rhythm behind solo
Pt. 2 (heavily distorted tone)

e ||------|---------------------------||
B ||--6---|-(6)-----------------------||
G ||--5---|-(5)--5--4-----------------||
D ||--3---|-(3)--------5--3-----------||
A ||--3---|-(3)--------------5--3--0--||
E ||------|---------------------------||
      w     (e)  e  e  e  e  e  e  e

Solo (heavily distorted tone)

e ||------------8--|-(8) p 7-------------7----------|-----|
B ||-/10--(10)-----|----------10--8--10-----10--8---|-----|
G ||---------------|--------------------------------|--9--|
D ||---------------|--------------------------------|-----|
A ||---------------|--------------------------------|-----|
E ||---------------|--------------------------------|-----|
       h  (q.)  e    (e)   e   e  e   e  e   e  e      w

     VVV                                VVVVVVV
e |--------------------------|------------------|
B |--------------------------|------------------|
G | / 9--9--7 \ 5--7 p 5-----|--5 b 1/4---------|
D |-----------------------7--|-----------7--7---|
A |--------------------------|------------------|
E |--------------------------|------------------|
      q  e  e   e  e   e  e     q.       q  q.

e |-------------------------|--------------------|
B |-------------------------|--------------------|
G |--5 / 7--x--x--7 \ 5-----|--5 b 1/4-----------|
D |--5 / 7--x--x--7 \ 5--x--|-----------7--x--7--|
A |-------------------------|--------------------|
E |-------------------------|--------------------|
     q   e  e  e  e   e  e     q.       e  e  q.

e | / 12--12--11--12--15--12--15--||
B |-------------------------------||
G |-------------------------------||
D |-------------------------------||
A |-------------------------------||
E |-------------------------------||
       q   e   e   e   e   e   e

Post-solo return (heavily distorted tone)

e ||--- / 17---|---(17)---|---(17)---|---(17)---||
B ||-----------|----------|----------|----------||
G ||-----------|----------|----------|----------||
D ||-----------|----------|----------|----------||
A ||-----------|----------|----------|----------||
E ||-----------|----------|----------|----------||
          w         (w)        (w)        (w)

Song Structure:

1. Intro x 2              8.  Repeat steps 2 through 7
2. Verse Riff x 3         9.  Solo x 1 (w/Rhythm behind solo
3. Verse Riff x 1             Pt. 1 as necessary and Pt. 2
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3       as/if desired)
5. Pre-chorus x 1         10. Post-solo return (w/Intro riff)
6. Chorus Pt. 1 x 7       11. Repeat steps 2 through 7

music represents an eclectic mix of influences, ranging from
punk and heavy metal to brit-pop and euro-dance styles.  The
band is comprised of Matthew "Matt" Lanoue (vocals, guitar,
programming) and Charles "Chad" Garland (guitar, bass, pro-
gramming), each of whom attended, and subsequently graduated
from, Western Illinois University (located in the subdued, yet
thriving, non-metropolis of Macomb).  Please submit all
correspondence to the e-mail address indicated at the top of
this post.