Last Tuesday

We Can't Afford

Last Tuesday

The bright lights shaded by and existence thats slowly fading 
And I am, forced to reflect on who I am and what I've done 
21 and fearing things to come and where I'm gonna be and will I find someone 
I could be gone when the sun goes down
and yet I'm walking around staring at the ground 

Time passes by so fast, I need some time to stop and think about it 
I wonder where I'll be in a couple years and if I'm still alive, Am I living my life 

And after all is said and done, I look back at what i've become 
And I am, honestly questioning if my time was well spent 
Ready, set, no wait not ready to go, I have a good excuse I had some things to do 
Another year and I've forgotten the fear that this might be the day that I'll be taken away 

Sometimes I feel like I'm a day away,
just a day away from everything I want to be 
Tomorrow comes and I realize I'm where I was just a day ago tonight 

Tonight, tonight I'll live my life